We had quite a day yesterday. As you may know, we are meeting in King's Fellowship for now (thanks again to Al and Sue Gordon for being so generous with their building and supportive of our efforts). We have loads of meetings each Sunday and are having such a good time learning and growing in the nuances that make a house of worship and intercession work. Each hour brings a new format and approach to worshipping through the scriptures (more on this is found on the "Mechanics" page). It has been challenging at times, but mostly it has been life-giving and lots of fun.
This Sunday we had one hour in which Yvonne led us by singing through Psalm 130 and 136. Steph partnered with her as she read and prayed through the passages. It was rich in meaning and so enjoyable to be a part of. We are singing through the scriptures! We are meditating on the truth that is in the heart of God and beginning to think more and more like Him.
Following their hour, Joel led us in an hour of exploring the theme found in Psalm 27:4 (...one thing have I desired). Steph and I partnered in praying and reading relevant passages and allowing the Spirit of God to guide us in our ever-deepening understanding of His truth on this topic. Here is a tip for you: Psalm 27:4 and Revelation 4 go really well together!! Trust me...or come next time to sing through it with us.
Orv and Gina led the following hour of Devotion, songs that express the heart of worship to the Lord. In this set there is always room to express ourselves in free and creative ways. I love these sets. Whenever I ask someone to lead one of these for the first time, I always tell them, "imagine you are sitting in your living room with your guitar or piano...now how would you sing out your love and affection to God with nobody there? That's what we want in this set..." And, they do it! Don't worry about getting all the songs right. Don't worry about how many songs are sung. Sing from your heart and let the rest of us sit and enjoy God as you minister to His heart.
I always speak at 6:30 and we had 30 minutes focused on the role of prophetic singing in a house of prayer. Shane interviewed his lovely wife Kristi on her journey in prophetic singing. There was some powerful insight for all of us in her story. Then Shane prayed for her! I love it when Shane prays. He can pray for me any time. The man believes it!
Then, for no reason I could explain at the time, the evening went sideways. We began our prophetic intercession meeting at 7pm with Johan and the team leading us. We always do 90 minutes each week on the theme of intercession for the city of Winnipeg. I was surprised to notice almost right away that what had been a free and easy day suddenly become difficult and heavy. Nothing seemed to be clicking. The people that came to pray were heard saying "wow, that was terrible" after their prayer was proclaimed.
Now, I am fully aware from considerable experience that feelings usually mean nothing in this activity. If it is wonderful, its great to feel but it doesn't make it any more powerful a prayer time. And, in this case as with others, NOT feeling good things didn't lessen the impact of our prayers together. Feelings here on earth don't really matter to God when He hears our prayers.
But, it makes staying focused really challenging. After almost an hour of pressing ahead, many were saying to me "we need to stop and ask the Lord concerning this". SO, we did...and He spoke a challenging word to us. "TURN...really TURN...I know you want to....I know your heart is focused to do so....but I ask you to make it real action....TURN". It was wonderfully challenging, painfully sweet. The Lord is so interested in His people being like Him that He calls us again and again. He got our attention with our own frailties, showed us that good meetings do not equal kingdom living and then challenged us in love to live it out.
Joel took over again on the keyboard at 8:30 and we went another hour responding to this challenge, singing through the issue of our need of Him, declaring our tendency to wickedness and weakness and generally asking for His will and not ours in our lives and in the life of Sanctuary.
His challenge is our invitation to more. We can say YES! and figure it out as we march forth in love. Suddenly, songs and prayers from the earlier sets of the day come flooding back. It all fits together. It all makes sense. You are the holy one on the throne of Revelation 4. It is our one desire to gaze upon your beauty and see you in this. My soul does wait for you more than the watchmen wait for the morning. Your love does endure forever. And we are in love with You alone.
He is not far off. Turn to Him. And pray for us as we do the same.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
June 26, 2006
June 15, 2006
Wisdom For Living
I heard a great piece of wisdom recently. This wise lady said of her journey "Believe and stand on the promises BUT live for the presence". I love it! She is so right. There is much we are asked to consider, to believe and to act upon in the scriptures. It will take our entire lives of focus and dedication to feel we are attaining to any amount of it.
Consider the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. At first reading, it sounds thrilling to go after, a target so big and wonderful that we all want what Jesus is saying is for us. Yet, most usually also agree that it must be metaphorical and surely not something we can attain to in this world. It can't be for us? Right? For many, the journey into the Sermon stops right there.
For others, they believe it is for this time but quickly realize that NOBODY can truly live like this. That sense of failure and weakness comes with force and causes them to give up before they are forced to out of failure and embarassment.
I believe the Sermon is to be taken seriously and is attainable here and now. But, it is quite obviously so far above where we live that we are NOT going to do it well any time soon. It is a strange tension to set out on a course you know you cannot follow correctly in your condition. There are many others paths that can be chosen. But, deep inside you know there is no other course to follow. Forward we go...
However, the issue is less about succeeding and more about living. As my friend said, choosing to live for His presence in our lives needs to be first. Attaining to a higher accomplishment can never be first, no matter how noble it appears. We need to run headlong into the Sermon knowing that we cannot make it in our state, but determined above anything else that we want Him near us and filling our minds and hearts as we step forward. Succeeding is about saying "YES" and choosing to try. It is never just about making it.
So, will we be able to win the battle in our minds or wrestle successfully against anger (the spirit of murder....think about how serious this battle needs to be)? Maybe not anytime soon! But, winning is waking up and saying "YES" to your King as you lean into Him and find His presence.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Consider the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. At first reading, it sounds thrilling to go after, a target so big and wonderful that we all want what Jesus is saying is for us. Yet, most usually also agree that it must be metaphorical and surely not something we can attain to in this world. It can't be for us? Right? For many, the journey into the Sermon stops right there.
For others, they believe it is for this time but quickly realize that NOBODY can truly live like this. That sense of failure and weakness comes with force and causes them to give up before they are forced to out of failure and embarassment.
I believe the Sermon is to be taken seriously and is attainable here and now. But, it is quite obviously so far above where we live that we are NOT going to do it well any time soon. It is a strange tension to set out on a course you know you cannot follow correctly in your condition. There are many others paths that can be chosen. But, deep inside you know there is no other course to follow. Forward we go...
However, the issue is less about succeeding and more about living. As my friend said, choosing to live for His presence in our lives needs to be first. Attaining to a higher accomplishment can never be first, no matter how noble it appears. We need to run headlong into the Sermon knowing that we cannot make it in our state, but determined above anything else that we want Him near us and filling our minds and hearts as we step forward. Succeeding is about saying "YES" and choosing to try. It is never just about making it.
So, will we be able to win the battle in our minds or wrestle successfully against anger (the spirit of murder....think about how serious this battle needs to be)? Maybe not anytime soon! But, winning is waking up and saying "YES" to your King as you lean into Him and find His presence.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
June 02, 2006
Global Day Of Prayer
This Sunday we are going to be participating in a global event to pray for our little piece of the world and ask for God to change our city. In a way it is not anything different from other weeks, but I feel the importance of joining in with so many others (they say it is certainly millions) in a collective solemn assembly (see Joel 2 for more on that). Certainly the Lord Himself is stirring the heart of His people to cause them to rise and seek Him in this hour. It is the peculiar mechanism of intercession again: that we would be stirred by Him to pray to Him and say that the things that He said to say so that He would release power upon our asking! It's all about Him, in case you missed the point there.
I had heard that a respected intercessor spoke of the importance of asking for Acts 2 to become a reality in our city and it got me thinking about this. The kingdom of God moves forward in our city person by person, selfless action by selfless action, and will eventually culminate in Revelation 21...the dwelling of God with humanity once again. It is our glorious hope. What else are we holding out for if not eternity in His presence and this world fully restored to the way it was meant to be? He will rule it in fullness once again.
And yet, we can do all the things that we see Jesus do and still see little actual "kingdom change" for our efforts. Some would say, "well, it's really only about doing the right thing anyway" and there is truth to it. Although, to be honest about participating in the advancement of the kingdom is to realize that is is ALL ABOUT CHANGE. He is bringing His rule to the earth in fullness again and we are bringing it in part each day that we cooperate.
I think that Acts 2 shows us that there is more...so much more...on the schedule for humanity as we near the culmination of history. We are to stay steady in our partnership with Him in this and press into Him with wholeheartedness (think about what that really means!!) AND we are to ask Him to release the visitation of His Holy Spirit into our community like never before. It is on the agenda. It is fully in His heart to do so. He loves His church, His bride, and wants them empowered. Don't be fooled by seeing today's church only in its weakness and compromise; He sees it in its potential and loves it as His bride! And, He loves humanity in general and longs for people to turn to Him in repentance and love. He wants to come by His spirit and will do so in your city before His return.
On this Sunday, we want to focus on our city with diligence and ask for the Lord to send this visitation to us. It may come in waves over time, it may happen suddenly and change everything. It makes no difference to me. Send your spirit to our city, God, for in that place there is kingdom rule more fully established, hearts are turned and we see you more clearly.
And, His return to the Earth, to be with us forever, is closer still...
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
I had heard that a respected intercessor spoke of the importance of asking for Acts 2 to become a reality in our city and it got me thinking about this. The kingdom of God moves forward in our city person by person, selfless action by selfless action, and will eventually culminate in Revelation 21...the dwelling of God with humanity once again. It is our glorious hope. What else are we holding out for if not eternity in His presence and this world fully restored to the way it was meant to be? He will rule it in fullness once again.
And yet, we can do all the things that we see Jesus do and still see little actual "kingdom change" for our efforts. Some would say, "well, it's really only about doing the right thing anyway" and there is truth to it. Although, to be honest about participating in the advancement of the kingdom is to realize that is is ALL ABOUT CHANGE. He is bringing His rule to the earth in fullness again and we are bringing it in part each day that we cooperate.
I think that Acts 2 shows us that there is more...so much more...on the schedule for humanity as we near the culmination of history. We are to stay steady in our partnership with Him in this and press into Him with wholeheartedness (think about what that really means!!) AND we are to ask Him to release the visitation of His Holy Spirit into our community like never before. It is on the agenda. It is fully in His heart to do so. He loves His church, His bride, and wants them empowered. Don't be fooled by seeing today's church only in its weakness and compromise; He sees it in its potential and loves it as His bride! And, He loves humanity in general and longs for people to turn to Him in repentance and love. He wants to come by His spirit and will do so in your city before His return.
On this Sunday, we want to focus on our city with diligence and ask for the Lord to send this visitation to us. It may come in waves over time, it may happen suddenly and change everything. It makes no difference to me. Send your spirit to our city, God, for in that place there is kingdom rule more fully established, hearts are turned and we see you more clearly.
And, His return to the Earth, to be with us forever, is closer still...
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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