The date for our building purchase financing for the deal to come together has come and gone, but we are not discouraged. In fact, we had some significant moments where God encountered us in our efforts and REALLY showed us things about ourselves and how we are living. It was a treasured time, one that was exciting and humbling all at once. We continue to look for a permanent home but now with a greater sense of God's intimate working in our midst. We have a new confidence that this journey is not about acquiring property, building infrastructure or feeling like we are accomplishing something that people will think is pretty cool.
Recently, God has been pressing us to think more deeply about what it means to be wholehearted. The more I study the concept, the more I realize that God is looking for wholeheartedness from us more than anything. Its not about what you do for Him but how much you are willingly saying YES to Him on the inside as you step out and try. Even in our weakness, in our immaturity, He looks for the YES! His heart is moved by people fully turned to Him. He relents from sending calamity when people turn with their whole heart back to Him and His way. Check out Joel 2 and 2 Chronicles 7:14 as good examples of this.
Jesus taught that we needed to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and all of our strength. It leaves little room to think there is much else that should occupy our mind, emotions, will and spending habits. He follows this with a direction to love our neighbour as ourself, something that is obviously connected to the first statement. In my view Jesus is saying "its all about me, guys". In our relating to our neighbours, the people in our sphere of influence, treat them as you want to be treated, but love God as you love them. Everything in life that we give ourselves to can and should be an expression of our love and devotion to God. We want to be known as people who loved God with everything we had in us and allowed that love to be manifest in our role as parents, co-workers, actual neighbours and servants of those in need. The One we serve will meet us in eternity one day and our eyes will meet. We will know so much more about Him than we ever thought possible. He will know everything about us. It's all about love for God, folks.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director