We are closing in on what is certainly going to be a great weekend. Last night we were part of a monthly city-wide gathering of young adults called
The Awakening. My good friend and comrade in the trenches, Trevor Meier, gives leadership to this effort and we come along for the ride to offer support and help where needed. Yesterday, it was all about Onething! We had a good time of worship and prayer for the event, but really it was became more about us as individuals and our own hearts before God. There was a serious focus that emerged: turn with your whole hearts back to God. Really love Him with all of your heart, soul, mind and with all of your strength. God was faithful to meet people in their repentance and it was a powerful time for many.
I am struck by the way God orchestrates His activity in a city like Winnipeg. We never want to make the mistake to believe that it is ONLY happening in our little meeting. There is much good that has been sowed in the spirit over the many decades that leads to moments like this. Praying churches with godly leaders have played their part in opening up things in the spirit for what God wants to do in larger measures. Even now, we know that there are good men and women leading good churches that love God and want His presence to touch the lost among us who are not really part of our stream. God is bigger than all this and it is exciting to see Him weave it all together.
But, it is also critical to realize that there are key moments in real-time when God asks something specific of a group of people to bring change to a whole area. Somebody had to be in the upper-room on that day in Acts 2. Somebody had to be in the meeting on Asuza Street in the early 20th century. Somebody had to be Evan Roberts or John Wesley or David Brainard or Charles Finney. You never know what role you will play! Our call is to do what is before us to do with integrity and passion, leaving the rest to the sovereign and wonderful plan of God. We are asked to
BELIEVE that God loves our city, wants as many as will say YES to come to Him and has every intention on releasing an unprecedented move of the Spirit in our city before the return of Jesus to the earth. From there, just go for it in love and devotion.
So, who knows what a weekend like the one before us will produce?? I choose to believe it really matters to God and in what He is doing in our city. And, for that, I am truly grateful.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director