The weekend came and went so fast but we loved it all. We had almost 800 registered and in attendance. The worship was rich and the message was clear. There was a powerful time of prophetic intercession for the city of Winnipeg during the Saturday afternoon session. And loads of times for people to respond to the call of God and make a step forward in their journey.
The team was amazing! The folks from KC served, served and served some more. Always smiling. Always available. Always generous. And the volunteers who gave time and effort to make it all work were equally amazing. Sanctuary t-shirts were everywhere. Those who wore them made me proud. Check out the pics to see some happy folks serving and loving it.
On Sunday we sent Dwayne Roberts and the worship team to Winnipeg Centre Vineyard and had Wes Martin and a ministry team go to the Kings Fellowship. Both meetings were great fun, focused on blessing the local congregations and celebrating the Lord together.
In the afternoon, we had the Onething team come to Sanctuary. It was the best! We were together ministering to God as the audience of One. Dwayne spoke to us as a house of prayer, encouraging us to persevere and believe. It was just what we needed to hear at this point in our history. It has been 18 months since we began and having our friends from IHOP sing and pray with us was such a blessing.
Most of all, we loved the gang from KC. Sanctuary found friends, kindred spirits, who felt like family from the first night. It was difficult to watch them leave, actually. But, we are only a 13 hr drive away :)
Blessings on you all!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director