We have reached the end of this method with this final point, one that seems so obvious most people want to begin with it: pray the verses.
If you recall, we began by stating that scripture meditation was about more than learning the verses by heart or even learning the background and meaning of each verse. To meditate on the verse is to "prayerfully consider" what is contained there, to encounter God as you encounter His written word. We have learned the value in reading the passage, in writing it down, in saying it (especially out loud), in singing and allowing the melodies of your heart to join with what the Spirit is teaching us. And now we are able to take it all and turn it into prayer request before God.
There is some mystery to this final step, believe it or not, because it is very likely you are going to have an "a-ha" moment in there somewhere. All the way along you have been pressing to connect with God and what He wants to share with you concerning the passage in question. More than learning what your favourite commentator has to say on it, you are learning to approach God in the midst of worship to seek deeper truths. But now that you have received revelation from God on this, your final step in the process is to take what you have learned and say it back to God in prayer. The language that He gives you will become the very language you will use to pray it back to Him. And there is your "a-ha" moment: the prayer that is the most meaningful will be filled with language and ideas that came first from Him anyway.
Simply put, He longs to share His heart with us and to have us walk in step with what He is thinking, feeling and doing. We often forget this as we run ahead doing the works of the kingdom and accomplishing things for Him. And, all along He was after our hearts. We probably should have guessed as much considering that our future in eternity is with Him. Of course He wants people who voluntarily love Him!!
How do we pray the thoughts and ideas we have received? Try something like this....
-read, write, say and sing through Psalm 27:4 ("one thing I ask and seek that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze up His beauty..."
-the thoughts and ideas will have come to you as statements of realization ("God, you must be more amazing than I realize to hold the attention of David for his whole life", "there is nothing more important than to be in relationship with you, God", "to gaze clearly upon who you are is the beginning of worship", "I am not doing this very well right now...forgive me in my neglect and distraction", etc)
-begin to pray these back to God as request ("God, I want to see more of you", "let me gaze on your beauty", "focus my eyes on you alone and let nothing else distract me from you", etc.)
-don't forget to weave in much expressions of love through singing...He loves that!
Like any method, it won't bring you to God in and of itself. But, take the time to learn and grow in it and your engaged heart will allow you to find more of God.
Be blessed in the journey!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director