October 27, 2011

Equipping Sunday

We are going to take a break from our normal schedule of worship and prayer to sharpen our skills and implement some things that God has been highlighting recently. It begins at 3pm and ends at 7pm. This is mostly for those who are an active part of the community, although all are welcome to attend. We will be having an intercession set at 6pm for one hour as well.

The following week, November 6th, and for the rest of the month, we are going to focus our intercession sets on revival in our city. The teaching series will also be focused on the same theme. We believe that there is a significant move of God coming to Winnipeg and we want to be prepared in our hearts and minds for what He has for us.

As well, all the others sets in November will be focused on thankfulness. We have felt recently that it will be a needed and significant offering to the Lord to express gratitude for all that He has done in our midst. It will align our hearts with Him and be a fragrant offering before Him from our house of prayer.

Join with us!



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