We had our first Gathering last night in our new home. King's Fellowship at 190 Osbourne will be the spot to come and worship with us for the next while. It was a blast to be functioning as Sanctuary House of Prayer and doing what we do.
King's Fellowship is a great blessing to us! Al and Sue Gordon have pastored this church for a decade or more and the fruit in their midst is telling. They are gifted and God is empowering them in their efforts. We are excited to be able to sit in their location for a season and ask for God to bless the city and visit us by His Spirit. Many of you may remember that it was these very same people that were so instrumental in allowing the Toronto Blessing to flow in Winnipeg in '95. If you were at Prairie Fire at all, you have seen Al. He loved the moving of the Spirit then and he loves it now. It is this fact that gets me excited as I sit in his building. I am asking for a visitation of God knowing that he has asked and waited for the very same thing. Feels like a good fit for us right now.
We are going to add more meetings in the weeks to come but, for now anyway, they will be held in homes due to space issues. We are excited about beginning Going Deeper as it is focused on meditating through the scriptures with music. This activity will allow anyone to get the truth of the scriptures deep inside where it becomes part of what causes you to respond in a godly way in every situation. I want that! I am eager to see what God will do as we sit in His presence and sing through the scriptures, having the prophetic singers dwell on the specifics and allow the Spirit to change our hearts and minds. Details to follow on where we will meet...
Ministry Director
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