May 03, 2006

Fast Day #2

Last night I attended our intercession meeting for the emerging generation in the city of Winnipeg. We have felt almost since we began to pray for our city that one of the areas we needed to focus on was the large group of people who are under the age of 30. Although there are many reasons why we could focus on them, moral decline and a weakened church in the West among them, we felt from God that it was because of their potential and what He had for them in the decades ahead. There is something stirring in this group. It is most evident in those 15-30 right now, but it goes to the little ones as well. Often when I share the vision of what Sanctuary is all about, those who are in this age bracket just seem to get it instinctively. It's as though they have already been stirred in their spirits and they KNOW there is something right about this.

With that in mind, our Tues pm intercession meeting has been gathering weekly for over a year now to intercede for these ones. At times the meeting has been smaller than they would have liked, but there is a determination inside those involved to stay steady and just ask of the Lord, knowing that no matter how it looks or all counts!

Last night was no different. There was a willingness on the part of the leaders to seek God for what He would have them pray about and then go with it for long periods of time. There was energy and life in their efforts because of this. An, more and more they are getting a sense of the destiny that lies ahead in the years to come in our city. They are becoming people that gaze on God and long to align themselves with whatever He is saying, doing and willing for our city. They are "agreeing with Him" and it is wonderful thing to see.

Our fast is producing sensitivity to His heart. That is certainly a large part of the goal for us. More than demanding things of Him, stuff that we think would be good for Winnipeg, we long to know what is on His heart and agree with it.

Thanks again to all who are joining in with us from afar. Thanks for the emails. May He reveal even more of Himself to you in the days and weeks to come.

Brian Creary
Ministry Director

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