...that God is raising up people, "forerunners" he calls them, that know the times and seasons we live in and are bold in declaring it to everyone.
...that, like many others in Scripture, they are called to prepare the way for a significant event in God's timeline...the King is returning to the Earth!
...they call the people to turn from their ways and make the paths straight for the coming of the Lord
...like John the Baptist and others, they are called to declare BEFORE the arrival of the One.
...they will move in power but live in humility and meekness
...they are nobody special
...they are you and me if we will hear what He is saying in this hour
...they get nothing of honour or reward in this life, other than misunderstanding and rejection by those who do not want to hear it.
...their reward is Jesus and Him alone
...they live out Psalm 27:4 for real
...their eyes are on eternity
...from houses of prayer like this one, forerunners will emerge that will see it, declare it and live it out, for the glory of God and the benefit of others.
Shane is a smart man! I'm glad I had him speak last night.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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