My first encounter with IHOP dates back to year #3 for them. They were still in the trailer at that time and it was crowded. I was entirely unprepared for what I was to see and feel in the next two days. It was filled with passion and zeal, but was nothing wonderful to look at. It was, as they are fond of saying, "a little rough and ugly". But, it was real. I sat in a meeting as one lady shared of a spiritual encounter she had with God earlier that day. She said "...and the voice of the Lord thundered" and, as if on cue, one loud clap of thunder was heard over the top of the trailer. I looked at my friend and we were both stunned. "Did you just hear that?", I said, but there was no mistaking it. It thundered on cue! We were even more surprised when a minute later she said something about the reign of God and again, right on cue, a downpour opened up that pounded on the roof for maybe a minute and then was gone. Maybe things like that happen in KC, but where I come from this was pretty amazing.
Of course, IHOP is about more than unusual experiences and goosebumps. They are young people convinced that they can and should know God more than they do. And they are willing to do something about it. They hold the bible in the highest regard and strive to know it and find God in it. They pray because the know that the changes that will really impact a city or region come from the all-powerful King of Heaven and Earth. They believe in prayer! The power dimensions of the kingdom have followed consistently as they have pressed forward into Him. They have lots of healing, among their prayer community but more importantly in the neighbourhood as well. People have come to know Jesus. The poor have been fed, clothed and served with consistency. In fact, one of our good friends is working mostly with a group who is in the inner-city and amongst the broken for many days each week. And there is much more to come, she tells me.
We are encouraged as we think about their journey. They were just folks like us who felt a call to do something a little different. Most of the time it is in hiddenness. But staying steady before God in this has been their highest achievement. I feel challenged, energized and so thankful.
Great blessings on IHOP and what the Lord has for you next. We are celebrating with you!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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