Last night, Shane told us a bit about the Holy One and our call to be holy as He is holy. Here is a brief recap:
-people don't like the idea of living a holy hurts too much or it's considered unnecessary.
-the Sermon on the Mount in Matt 5-7 is the picture of a holy life.
-it is mandated to us by Jesus Himself.
-are we going to do it perfectly? Never!
-do we need to do it perfectly? Of course not...but we need to try.
-its all about the heart. Joel 2 says to "tear your heart as you turn wholeheartedly to God"...sounds like he really means "tear it!"
-Jesus said it too..."gouge out your eye"...did he mean it literally? No, but the level of severity toward sin is the point. Take it seriously.
-Grace is not permission to live as close to the edge of darkness as possible without getting caught or kicked out of the kingdom.
-Grace is empowerment to live a life "worthy of the Lord" (Colossians 1:10) and gives us the ability to say NO to sin (Titus 2:11).
-Grace is receiving what you do not deserve!
-God loves you more than you realize.
-God is committed to you living well and being with Him for eternity more than you are.
-there is a difference between immaturity and rebellion (and in your own heart, you know the difference...and God knows it too).
-God will give grace upon grace to an immature believer who is sincere in the journey to love God and hate sin. Rebellion will be resisted by He who knows everything and has all power in the universe. This sounds like a bad place to live...
-saying YES to God continuously, fighting to live right before Him even in the secret place of our heart, will be blessed by God and make a difference in eternity.
-the reward at the end is an eternity with this very same Holy God who has allured you forward all your life. All will be revealed at that time; the measures He took to win your heart and draw you to love Him instead of the pleasures of this world and the sin that so easily entangles. It will be worth it all!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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