Recently, we have been looking again at what God has built in the midst of us and the commission He has placed before us as a house. We were studying the passages at the beginning of 2 Chronicles where Solomon steps forward to complete the building of the temple for the Lord. If you recall, it was David (his dad) who had longed to build the temple for God as a place where worship and offering would go before Him night and day. This was a deep desire in Him and was referenced a number of times in his writings. In Psalm 132, it states that David vowed before God that he would not allow himself in his own house until he established a house for God to dwell...in essence, the temple where God's presence would manifest and where the priests would worship Him. Unfortunately, the job fell from David to his son in the end. David acted wisely, though, and determined that he would support the efforts of his boy in getting this most loving of projects completed.
Following David's death, Solomon called the people to actively complete the structure, and upon completion, put out the call across the land for the people to come. The priests consecrated themselves, the musicians prepared themselves for the ultimate worship service and Solomon moved in all the appropriate furnishings for the temple itself. The final item, the ark of the covenant, signified that they had built this structure as a place for God to dwell. They were ready...
As Solomon prayed to God before the people, He expressed the obvious: "The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!" (6:18) And He was right. He was asking for the eternal and unrestrained God of all creation to come and dwell in a building made by human hands. Yet, knowing that somehow this was what God had wanted, he asked of God: "May your eyes be open toward this temple day and night, this place of which you said you would put your Name there. May you hear the prayer your servant prays toward this place.
Hear the supplications of your servant and of your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Hear from heaven, your dwelling place; and when you hear, forgive." (6:20-21) As he concluded, fire from heaven came down and consumed the offerings and the presence of God in a cloud descended into the temple. The presence was so strong that the people could not enter or stand in the midst of it.
Shortly after, God came and visited Solomon. He gave to him one of the most famous verses in the Old Testament, the wonderful promise of 2 Chron 7:14. But, even more, He ended the encounter by promising "Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.
I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there." (7:15-16)
God wants to dwell with people. In His holiness, it is appropriate that His people draw near consecrated before Him and aware of the their fallenness. Singers and musicians offered Him worship and thanksgiving then because it was His idea. He still loves it today. It was designed to go around the clock because He is worthy of it all. And, His promise is that those who would turn to Him with a repentant heart and love for Him as the motivator will see Him act on their behalf. He will heal the land. He will hear the prayers offered up in a place such as this (ie. the place of worship and devotion). And, His eyes and heart will always be looking this way.
So, do you know who you are? Has God asked you to stand before Him as one who would minster FIRST to Him above all other needs and demands? Are you called to be in a place of dwelling where God is raising up those who will seek Him on behalf of the city they live in? Are you a musician or singer and you feel you NEED to be offering your gift to the creator and lover of your soul in a more direct way? God is raising up
Sanctuary and many other prayer expressions right now so these people can find each other and fulfill what God is calling for. Make your way forward and stand before God alone. It matters! And He is worthy of it all.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director