We are pleased to announce that we are hosting a Onething Regional conference in Winnipeg, with the help of Trevor and the gang at The Link, in late October. This is an event for youth and young adults, focused on the theme of "being people of one thing". There are a few key times in the scripture where this phrase is used and it shows us a brilliant picture of wholehearted devotion to God as the primary goal of life.
The team that will speak and lead worship is coming from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. We love these guys! I expect this to be an excellent weekend, one that will challenge as well as open a pathway to greater encounter with God. Anyone who has made their way to the huge yearly Onething conference in KC in late December knows what is waiting us in October.
The dates are Friday and Saturday, October 26-27. The kind people of Calvary Temple in downtown Winnipeg are allowing us to use their facility. To register, you MUST go to the web page and do so online...www.ihop.org/onething
And one more thing: it's FREE!!!!!
More info as we get it.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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