One theme that came up frequently centered on the importance of living a life that reflects the convictions and activities of the prayer movement. It was critical, they said, to think through how we handle our time, enegry and money, especially in this new season of economic uncertainty. It was not enough to sit in a prayer room and feel that this alone was sufficient. My entire life needs to reflect my beliefs. Action needs to follow faith! In other words, don't just sing about how God is your source and like its true and don't hang on to your money. Don't just pray for God to release the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Eph 1:17) and then not take the time to press in and find out more about Him. I loved it!
It is especially important in difficult times and we are entering quickly into a season of trouble, for sure. Who knows just how difficult this downturn on the economy could become? Who can say for sure what the solution to the troubles are? I am pretty sure the folks making decisions in the capital cities of the earth have no idea what will help in getting us out of all this. The answer, as always, is to turn to God in heaven and find His heart on the issue. If ever there was a time when we really need to stop and seek God for the decades ahead, it is now. It is wisdom in this hour to press into Him...and that will be proven true as the years unfold.
For Sanctuary, we are fasting all this week and asking God to make us ready for the troubles that lie ahead. We are asking for the bride in this city, the church in all its forms and styles, that she would be all that God has for her in the closing years of this age of history. We want to see the church become a strong voice to a confused generation and a community who exudes light and beauty to a world living in darkness and despair. We know this is the heart of Jesus for his bride so it is easy to pray it with faith: He is going to see this happen before his return to the earth.
Oh Lord, strengthen and empower the church in Winnipeg like no other time in its history. Cause her to be beautiful in the sight of all people. And give her eyes for only you as she longs for the return of the King and the fullness of the kingdom of God.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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