Most people have barely even read the book of Revelation, much less given themselves to serious study of the flow of the book. With that as our starting point, we decided to study it for two main reasons:
1. To learn the events related to the end of the age and the 2nd Coming of Jesus to the earth.
2. To learn more about the character and thinking of Jesus, as demonstrated in His activity at the end of the age.
Now, everyone automatically thinks of the first reason as the ONLY reason to read this book. In fact, it is was keeps most people from even bothering to begin. They look at the bizarre symbols, the troubling events and decide that it isn't all that necessary to know it right now anyway. I have lots of room for people thinking that way about it: I shared that position completely until only recently! But, I took on a challenge about a year ago to read the book of Revelation weekly (all 22 chapters each week) and to do this not just for end-times details but to grow in the knowledge of who Jesus is.
Honestly, I was interested in the end-times details more than most a year ago. But, I was even more interested in discovering new insights about Jesus. As I read the whole book every Monday morning I began to notice something interesting. The fog that surrounds the details began to lift as I became more familiar with the flow of the book. I noticed (and this is really obvious, I know) that the details didn't change from week to week...the more I read it and pondered it with the Holy Spirit's assistance, the more clear things became. I wasn't studying commentaries or reading books on it...I was just reading it.
On top of that, my understanding of who Jesus is and how He thinks and acts began to change as well. I began to see Him in His majesty, with zeal in His heart to bring this age to a conclusion with complete and perfect justice AND love for His people. It caused worship to well up again and again.
Since January, we have taught through the entire book (actually, we end the study this Sunday) and I have been amazed at how much it has caused my heart to awaken to both sides of this book. I am more aware of the details to be sure, and I am convinced that the way we live now will matter significantly in the troubling decades ahead of us (more on that another time). But, my heart has become alive with who He is and what He is willing to do to have this planet for Himself!
Consider taking this journey and begin to read it once a week. There is much there for you. This part of the bible is as alive, inspired and written for your benefit as any other part. Enjoy the journey!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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