July 29, 2010


Things have been happening quickly in the last few months and God is doing something significant in our community.  The A2A conference with Justin Rizzo was an amazing weekend and we were all stirred around the significance of what we were pressing for: night and day worship and prayer.  It became clear to many of us that it just needs to happen in our city.  God is worthy of it.

In the last few weeks, we were asked by the leaders of the church in which we meet to end our time in their building.  King's Fellowship has been the best friends to Sanctuary House of Prayer in the last 4 years.  We have benefited from the use of the building and the freedom to grow in what we are called to pursue.  They are now in need of the space, their space, so we are moving to a new place.  Our last Sunday there will be September 5th.  A great chapter will end for us...and a new one will begin!

The issue now before us, however, is where to go next.  We are aggressively searching and praying, considering all kinds of options in the short time we have before us.  The Lord has been present in many encouraging ways and we know that this is the season of acceleration He told us was coming so often in the past year.  It is exciting although, to be honest, just a little scary.  Like any transition, things tend to get more intense as we get closer to the end.  We know there is a happy ending coming, but the process is stressful and requires real faith and confidence in His leading.

We would ask that you join us in three key ways:

1. PRAY that God would show us what the next place is for this house of prayer, and that He would make the pathway forward a smooth and straight one.  We know He cares and is very involved in our affairs, so we are posturing ourselves to ask for His help and direction in every aspect of this transition.  Where is the correct building?  What area of town is the right one for this next season of growth?  What is an appropriate price to pay and how will be best fund our new facility?   There are challenges ahead, as you can see.

2. SEARCH for a building whenever you think of it.  There are so many possibilities and they sometimes come to light as we keep our eyes open in our day-to-day activities.  We know for sure that we do not want to be in the west end of the city.  But, short of that, we are open to all options at this point.  As well, we are considering leasing and purchasing.  Again, it all depends on the specific building.  If you have an idea, email us at info@sanctuaryhop.com and we will follow it up.

3. PARTNER with us in practical ways.  We are going to need some help financially for things to move forward and we believe that there are folks who the Lord will ask to serve His purposes through giving.  Ask God what you should do.  Be obedient to His direction, of course.  Lets see what He is weaving together.  If you want to contribute to the purchase of a building, that would be terrific!  As well, we will need practical things as we settle somewhere (paint, carpet, chairs, sound equipment, etc) and all of these items cost money too.  Any way in which you can walk with us will be greatly appreciated. 

We are excited to see what the near future has for us as we focus our eyes on Him and do what we He is asking.  As things progress, we will update you.

Blessings and thanks!

Ministry Director