October 27, 2007

It's Going So Well

This is a good conference! Dwayne is preaching some good stuff. Tim and Marcus from the Merchant Band have been leading in some deep and rich worship. I love their worship leading...really vertical! To an audience of ONE!! This morning we were led in a powerful chorus of "oh, how He loves us". The message is a powerful one and Dwayne got it out there for us. God loves you, even in your weakness and failings. But, He is ready to embrace you and bring you forward if you want more.

This afternoon, its Justin Rizzo leading and Wes Martin is speaking. These are both quality men with integrity and a message for a generation searching for more of God. Come by if you want. Its free and there is still room.

Brian Creary
Ministry Director

October 26, 2007


We have arrived! The stage is set up. Things sound good and loud. We still have room for lots of you. Doors will be open by 6:30pm for registrants. If you didn't get it done online, just show up and we'll get it done at the door. We want as many as possible to be a part of this event.

If you are too far away to attend, pray for us and for the city of Winnipeg that God would do something really special in this time. Pray that it is more than a series of big meetings. We want to meet with God in a new way and a lasting way. We want the results of these encounters to carry us into the streets and neighbourhoods for years to come. Let there be power for healing, deliverance and salvation. Let His kingdom be manifest in Winnipeg!

Check back frequently for photos and stories from the weekend.


Brian Creary
Ministry Director

October 25, 2007

2 days to go!

The team has arrived from Kansas City...all 16 of them. It was a very early morning for most of them, arriving at the pick-up point to be taken to the airport at 4:30am. For a few, they just never went to bed so they should sleep well tonight.

The rest of this day has been about setting up the sound at Calvary Temple and getting to know one another a bit better. Trevor and the folks from Calvary Temple have been really good to us and for that we are very grateful. It is loads of fun to do this with Trevor...he has the same heart for the things of God that we do. I love a divine partnership like this.

So, there is lots to do but everyone is in a giving mood and things are getting done quickly. Its a balmy +20C here today so everyone is feeling happy.

Tonight we eat and get some needed rest. Tomorrow is where it all happens, so we are excited to see what will come of it. Dwayne Roberts, the director of Onething ministries, told me earlier that he feels like God is really doing something here. He is eager to get going and see what will come of it.

More tomorrow as it unfolds...

Pray for us! I just received an email from a prayer room in Minnesota telling me that they are praying for us. I love it!! Nothing like friends when you need them.

Brian Creary
Ministry Director

October 24, 2007

3 days to go...

We had our final intercession meeting before the conference last night. It was kind of a transition for me, strangely. I felt the shift from "we are preparing by praying for this far-off event" to "we are here and ready to work". There has been a lot of prayer offered up in our community for this event. It started many months ago, mostly a trickle of prayer among more pressing issues then. It has since become THE issue as we consider our city and what God is doing here. This journey has been a good one and God continues to help us to see how an event like this, often viewed as an end in itself, actually fits into a much larger plan for the city and its prophetic destiny. More on that another time...

For now, though, it's just fun to cheer each other on in praying and singing and then talk about the logistics of an event that is now so close and becoming very real for us. I expect lots of good times in the meetings and out of them. Coffee, coffee, coffee. Meals with old friends and new friends. Quick connections with pastors in a back room. Promises to talk more about how we can work together for kingdom purposes in the years ahead. People connecting with God and with each other. Loads of great music. And lots of laughter...

But, more than anything, I want a weekend dedicated to ministering to the heart of God. More than ever, we are thinking like priests before the presence of God. This is about offering Him who we are and what we have to give. May His heart be touched and may He receive the blessing due to Him from what little we can offer. He is entirely worth it all!

Brian Creary
Ministry Director

October 23, 2007

4 days to go!!

We are closing in on what is certainly going to be a great weekend. Last night we were part of a monthly city-wide gathering of young adults called The Awakening. My good friend and comrade in the trenches, Trevor Meier, gives leadership to this effort and we come along for the ride to offer support and help where needed. Yesterday, it was all about Onething! We had a good time of worship and prayer for the event, but really it was became more about us as individuals and our own hearts before God. There was a serious focus that emerged: turn with your whole hearts back to God. Really love Him with all of your heart, soul, mind and with all of your strength. God was faithful to meet people in their repentance and it was a powerful time for many.

I am struck by the way God orchestrates His activity in a city like Winnipeg. We never want to make the mistake to believe that it is ONLY happening in our little meeting. There is much good that has been sowed in the spirit over the many decades that leads to moments like this. Praying churches with godly leaders have played their part in opening up things in the spirit for what God wants to do in larger measures. Even now, we know that there are good men and women leading good churches that love God and want His presence to touch the lost among us who are not really part of our stream. God is bigger than all this and it is exciting to see Him weave it all together.

But, it is also critical to realize that there are key moments in real-time when God asks something specific of a group of people to bring change to a whole area. Somebody had to be in the upper-room on that day in Acts 2. Somebody had to be in the meeting on Asuza Street in the early 20th century. Somebody had to be Evan Roberts or John Wesley or David Brainard or Charles Finney. You never know what role you will play! Our call is to do what is before us to do with integrity and passion, leaving the rest to the sovereign and wonderful plan of God. We are asked to BELIEVE that God loves our city, wants as many as will say YES to come to Him and has every intention on releasing an unprecedented move of the Spirit in our city before the return of Jesus to the earth. From there, just go for it in love and devotion.

So, who knows what a weekend like the one before us will produce?? I choose to believe it really matters to God and in what He is doing in our city. And, for that, I am truly grateful.

Brian Creary Ministry Director

October 16, 2007

10 Days to Go!

Its all coming together now. The details are in order. The registrations are climbing and the team in KC is getting excited as well. This is going to be a good time!

I recently heard the interview of Dwayne Roberts, the director of Onething ministries, on our very own local CHVN-FM. Click on the Icon below to hear the interview!

click here

They did a nice job getting to the point of why we are doing this conference and what was central to the message of "one thing". Its funny how hearing it on the radio makes it all seem so real. We have been working on the details of this event for almost 10 months now, slowly at the start, of course, and deliberately of late. And, sort of like waiting for your first child to be born, you know its coming but during that last while it seems like it will never get here. I remember those last few minutes before my first child was born: intense and exciting, but almost surreal at the same time. There was nothing that could have prepared me for what I was to experience when my son finally emerged into the world.

I'm ready for a big surprise! May God make it more than any of us expects it to be.

Come if you are in the area. And, pray for us that His will be done in Winnipeg.

Brian Creary
Ministry Director

October 01, 2007

25 days to go!!!

Things are really coming together now for the upcoming Onething conference. We had a 4-hr planning session over Starbucks coffee last week that produced amazing results in coordination and simplicity. We literally have every minute of the 4 days the team are with us planned out! Just knowing this lets me sleep a little easier at night. I am so proud of my team. They have done amazing work (although its just beginning) and we are on track to have quite a weekend.

We just heard some stories from the Onething conference this past weekend in Minneapolis that make me think God is going to do some special things here as well. We want the event to go well, but really we want so much more! We are praying consistently that God will release a wave of His Spirit that will propel Winnipeg into relationship with the King of Heaven. We are excited to see what can come as we turn and focus on Him as the reason and the source.

Continue to spread the word to friends and neighbours. Register at www.ihop.org/onething to guarantee yourself a spot for the whole event.


Brian Creary
Ministry Director