Of course, fasting is a discipline that serves to show us just how weak we really are. There is something about going without food for a time that has a person weaker and stronger all at the same time. Stronger if they turn their weakness into prayer and seek God in the midst of it, that is.
We were considering the possibilities last night. What COULD the Lord do for those who are turning to Him with focus and devotion, asking for Him to speak to us? The question should really be "What if...?" for all manner of revelation can happen to any of us at any time. To assume that it won't amount to much or that He will speak only to the really committed ones is just bad thinking. He is not impressed by our efforts, but He loves us more that we know. He wants to speak to us and often stirs a community to press towards Him in fasting and prayer for just such a purpose. He stirs us, we respond thinking it was our idea, He gives the grace to endure and stay steady AND THEN He responds with the encounters He wanted to give us in the first place. You just have to love the way He does it! He is so engaging. And He draws us constantly with hunger...usually spiritual hunger, but for this week it is physical as well.
Join with us if you have heart for this city and long to see His kingdom established here. Join with us if you are beginning to believe that His return is sooner than you thought and great difficulty is coming to all on the earth. Join with us if you want to hear Him more clearly and want to feel His presence.
Updates to follow...
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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