We are feeling stirred these days to look for a more permanent home for our house of prayer. We have been hosted by
The King's Fellowship on Osbourne Street since late April of this year and it has been a HUGE blessing. But, in the last while we have been feeling the need to look with even more diligence for our new home. King's has been able to give us free reign but only for limited hours, as we share the facility. We are eager to take our growth to the next level and have meetings on a daily basis. We need our own place to make this happen.
Please pray with us in this next season. We are going to begin a 10-day corporate time of fasting and prayer beginning on October 30th. We will focus on asking God to speak clearly to us and give us further insight to what He has for us in the next season ahead. We believe that part of that will include understanding on a new location.
I'll keep you updated as we hear from God and as we search out a building to house us.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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