So, what is going on in Lakeland, Florida? That is the question that so many are asking these days since word began to spread a number of weeks ago that the Holy Spirit is being poured out in significant measure. And, what's more, there has been tons of healing accompanying this outpouring. The man in the centre of this is Canadian-born Todd Bentley, an evangelist with years of experience in revival meetings and healing the sick. But, by his own admission, he has never seen anything like what is happening in Lakeland. Significant healings are occurring, evangelism is following and lives are being changed.
Since this outpouring began about 50 days ago, Todd and his team have held meetings every night. What began as a weekend conference for a few hundred has mushroomed into crowds of many thousands, long line-ups to get in and people flying in from all over the world to receive from God. Similar to the Toronto Blessing in 1994, this outpouring seems to be about two things: first, any person can be significantly touched and impacted by the Spirit of God if they go to the meeting and take a posture of receiving from God. And second, the person can also receive an impartation that they can take with them back their nation. Reports are coming in that healing and infilling are being experienced in all corners of the globe after someone spent time in Lakeland.
If you are like me and you long for the presence of the Lord to increase in our city, this sounds like good news. At Sanctuary House of Prayer, we spend many hours asking for God to come in power in our city and this seems like a possible answer to prayer. But there are a few things that need to be considered before we claim that "this is that" which we believe is coming.
First, it is very early to be making any significant conclusions. Thinking back to Toronto in '94, the wave was just beginning to grow at the 50-day mark and it was impossible for anyone to know for sure where it was going. All they knew was that it was God and it was extraordinary! To see Lakeland as more than this conclusively is a bit premature at this point. Having said that, we can learn from the Toronto experience. Waves like this tend to increase in size and force over time. If it is really transferable as the reports are suggesting, we have every reason to believe this will have a global impact within a year. It will impact every city on the earth that wants it and change the way things are done in the church world and beyond.
Second, waves like this are often the way God works. Therefore, we need to make mental adjustments to allow for God to work in this way and shed old ways of thinking if they prevent us from seeing (and hopefully participating) in what He is doing right now. Revivals often come just this way and we want to be open to the style being a bit different than we are used to if the fruit is good.
Third, we know that there will be more and more of these outpourings as we get closer to the Second Coming of Jesus. Anticipate Acts 2 becoming a full reality in your city as it is coming to all of us before this draws to a close. So, this outpouring may or may not be the "big one" that you have in your head. Embrace what God is doing, celebrate the activities of the Holy Spirit and join in with it by asking God to increase it in your area.
Fourth, there are always things in any outpouring that seem extreme (outlandish, even) and some of the behaviour exhibited by attendees (and even leaders) can cause us to be offended. This is important to know now because God is not wanting us to ignore sinful or abusive behaviour but rather to press through to find Him in the midst of broken humanity on display at points. It is far better in these situations to allow the style and culture that typically annoys or offends you to just flow. Suspend your judgments and press in to God. Remember, there are things about you and your ministry style that people don't like as well. Extend grace and keep your eyes heavenward.
And finally, we need to remember that Jesus usually responded to people who demonstrated hunger for what He had to offer and faith that they would receive if they pursued Him. The principle still applies today. As a friend of mine used to say to his unbelieving friends, "if there is something good out there, why not go and get it?" The posture to take with this outpouring needs to be one of hunger and faith. Determine that whatever God is doing right now is something you want in on and pursue it as "something good you want to go get". This doesn't mean changing your life calling, dropping what God has asked of you now or violating your own beliefs. God knows each of us so well. He will grant to us according to what is the best for us. So, throw yourself open to what He wants for you in this and ask Him for more.
Sanctuary is in an interesting place in this. We want to be touched and filled by God, receive whatever power is available for healing the sick (and get our people healed in the process) and see the lost come to Jesus through it all. But, we want our prayer meetings fired up and fueled by the presence of the Spirit and an increase in authority for what we contend for manifest in every meeting. And most of all, we want greater intimacy with Jesus, our eternal reward the lover of our very souls.
May God do all that He has planned. Holy Spirit, come!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director