First, it needs to be stated that the goal in the practice of scripture meditation is to encounter God through His living word by taking the time to let it go deep inside of you. It is one thing to read the passages and even to research what they experts believe they mean, but it something different again to allow the passages to speak to your soul and change your thinking. I want to be able to interact with the truth of the written word of God so that it changes my thinking and way of living.
The beginning point in this journey is to find a passage that you like, one that means something to you and touches your heart when you read it. Maybe it is something you pray on occasion anyway and has already become part of your language. If so, try something less familiar, something that is intriguing but not yet clear to you. The passage should be only a verse or two to get started. As you develop this skill you can expand the amount of material you will cover in one sitting.
So, for example, let's pick a verse like Psalm 27:4
"one thing that I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to seek Him in His temple"
This is a passage that is loaded with inference and one that could become a life verse even without much further consideration. But, let's see how we can go deeper into what God is saying through this passage (remember, it is not so much what David is saying here, but ultimately what God is saying that matters to us).
Step #1 is very simple: read it! I know that sounds simple but in my experience, it is something significant to get people to even read the bible consistently. By choosing to read the verses and let the content of what is there become familiar to you, it is the beginning point of allowing God to speak to you through it. I have had seasons where I have read certain sections of the bible while neglecting other sections. And, I have been so blessed when I finally get into the missed passages and realize the treasures contained that can feed my soul. So, reading the verses is an important beginning.
Sit yourself down in a quiet place, perhaps in a prayer room if you have one, begin to prayerfully ask the Lord to open you up to new understanding of his word. Then, begin to read it: "one thing that I ask of the Lord.... ". Chances are you should read it again...a few times, maybe. Things rarely stick the first time through and we are trying to go deep here, after all. Even in the reading of it, you will begin to see things that get your attention. You will probably think about David and his life, and wonder why he would want this as his primary request. You will want to study that a bit more. You will wonder what the "beauty of the Lord" actually is and perhaps it will make you think about Jesus. You might think of his human form and how he was described as "nothing special" in appearance (Isa 53:2). You might think of his description in Revelation 1, though, and think again. All this is good. Read it again. And again. And think....
What's the next step? (It's in the next posting...)
Brian CrearyMinistry Director
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