One of these five reasons we exist is "to provide a place for you to press forward in your personal journey in God; a room for you to grow in devotion to Jesus". Devotion is a key word here. What does it look like in everyday life, in and out of the prayer room? For us, it is critical that devotion begins sitting before God Himself and really worshiping and praying. There is time enough to take it to the streets, to see the work of the kingdom manifest in our lives and by our hands. But, skipping past the step of pure and simple devotion manifest in "time well wasted" before Him will only burn you out over time. There is no other pathway to knowing God - you have to spend time with Him exclusively.
We believe that the best way to do this is through the Scriptures. He wrote them, after all, and agrees with all that is found there. Going deep in understanding the bible can significantly increase our devotion to God. Taking time to study this book will begin to change the way you think and act, and God Himself will work with you to accomplish this in your life.
But, studying the bible alone will not take you where you want to go. To really allow the truth of what is found there to change you on the inside requires that we allow God to interact with the truth of His scriptures. We need to meditate on the verses. Now, for some the term meditation only conjures up images of yoga-practicing, mantra-chanting Buddhist priests. This is understandable. The Christian practice of scripture is somewhat lost in our age (although it is making a comeback as the prayer movement takes hold around the earth). I believe meditating on passages of scripture is critical to going deeper in the knowledge of God. As I sometimes jokingly tell me kids, "the bible is a magic book". In reality, the bible is alive and active as the Holy Spirit interacts with what He has seen fit to include there and brings revelation to our spirits as we dwell on what is written there. The bible can come alive on the inside of us, change us and cause us to become more like Jesus. Yet, conversely, it can be read and studied endlessly and produce nothing of life if done apart from the activity of the Spirit bringing life to the process. His word is true at all times. He is the word. It is wonderfully and majestically complicated...
In future postings, I want to teach how to meditate on the scriptures. There is much to learn and perfect in our pursuit of growing in the knowledge of who He is. This is going to make your "going into all the world" so much more effective!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
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