December 18, 2009
Holiday schedule changes
1. Sunday, December 27th- cancelled
2. Tuesday, December 29th- cancelled
We will be back at it once again on Sunday, January 3rd. Have a great holiday season. And check out the Onething conference from Kansas City (Dec 28-31). Go to to get more information. Its worth checking it out.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
October 13, 2009
Thoughts on Revival
For some reason, my perspective on revival was such that I was more than open to have it happen in our city, but was just as inclined to let other churches and ministries take the lead on seeing it develop. I realize, of course, that revival is not something we create or is a sovereign work of God that completely surpasses any of our normal efforts. He descends with His presence in a way that brings the kingdom of God with power, and suddenly there are good things happening everywhere. I was never opposed to such a thing, but for some reason I saw it as a season that others would lead.
But, God has been showing me (and us) that He has plans for this city, and every city I suppose, that involve Him coming in a powerful visitation. And He wants our house of prayer to play an active role in seeing the fullness of this come to pass. Passages like Acts 2, poetic as they sound, are becoming increasingly important to us as we call out for Him to "pour out His spirit on all flesh".
I was recently studying this theme and considering the thoughts of a comrade in the prayer movement. He said a most intriguing thing and it just struck me. He was talking about the revival season in the Hebrides Islands in the early 1950s and how the presence of God had descended over the small island and "saturated" the entire place. People didn't have to go to the church or the evangelistic meetings to encounter God...He was everywhere and the people could feel Him. Of course, this produced sudden and rather shocking results. The people were turning their hearts to God, aware of their sinfulness and longing for connection with this one of great kindness. The researcher then made a fascinating statement:
"Imagine what it would be like to have the presence of God thick in the atmosphere and be absolutely everywhere? There would be no place you could go to avoid Him. You would feel the presence of God all the time".
As I heard this statement, I was aware of the strong pull to this and the strong fear of it at the same time. The holy and perfect God of all creation would come in an increased and tangible way and there was nowhere to go to escape His presence! For those who love Him, this is a wonderful reality. For those who don't even know Him, it is a moment of invitation unlike any other. But, for those who do not love Him and have chosen to live apart from Him, this would be a fearful and most uncomfortable season.
God will not come in a season of revival, a moment of increased dwelling, simply to surprise us and make our lives a little easier. He draws near to have us draw near to Him. It is a foretaste of the future, really. He will one day draw entirely near to us and we will be with Him on this planet forever. Jesus will reign over all that He has purchased with His own blood. Revival presses us to act accordingly. The "presence of the future" is a blessed kiss on our hearts and solemn warning to not resist. He is surely in love with His people and He is coming to our city.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
October 01, 2009
May every church and house of prayer be blessed with men and women of devotion, integrity and passion as those we have here.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Sent from my BlackBerry
God was gracious, however, and gently revealed that we were SINNING! It was not ok to dwell on what we didn't have. In fact, letting those things weigh us down, agreeing with the "injustice" done to us because we didn't attain to what we felt we deserved, was wrong before Him. We were just grumbling to ourselves, we thought, but in reality we were saying that God was a bad leader. After all, look how He had led us up until now. On top of that, we were saying that He wasn't to be trusted with our future either. Once we saw it for what it was, we were eager to back up and change our thinking.
He provided a way forward in the form of gratitude. The more you are in touch with what God has done for you, the more your spirit comes alive with genuine love and thankfulness. We focused all our sets on this theme, gave each worship leader freedom to find themes they wanted to express before the Lord and went for it.
In no time at all, things began to shift. Our hearts were swelling with all that God had done well, and we were beginning to see that the future was going to be good if we trusted in Him. On top of all that, His presence increased among us and that encouraged us all.
Now, eight weeks later, I am eager to keep gratitude in the centre of the way we approach what we do here. Lord, keep us from our self-centered pursuits. Give us clear eyes to see what you are really doing in our midst.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Sent from my BlackBerry
July 16, 2009
The only throne that matters
One thought that has captivated me is the reality of heaven and our proximity to this realm. In Revelation 4, John wrote that he saw a door standing open in heaven (presumably from his position on the island he was living) and that he heard a voice invite him to "come up here". After that, he was "at once in the Spirit", and there before him was a throne in heaven. Now, there is no sense of travel or distance, but rather an instant transition from this earthly realm to the spiritual/supernatural realm of which heaven is the centre. I am struck by two things when I read this:
1. This realm of the presence of God is not a million miles out into space, as we tend to believe, but rather as close as an open door in the spirit realm. Should God be willing to open a door for me (for there is no other way to find such a door), it is an instant transition into a world as real as the one I live in now. That makes me want to go...
2. There is, at the centre of all creation, a throne with "someone sitting on it". God has an unmovable, unshakable and all-powerful throne anchored deep into all that is happening in all of our realm (and His realm as well). While we busy ourselves with electing new leaders, worrying about the future and generally taking control of our circumstances, there is a holy God who sits unmoved in his leadership and desires over all of it.
Its no wonder He calls us a kingdom and priests to serve our God in Revelation 5. When we finally see what is really happening in both realms, we will come to realize that the One on the throne is the centre of it all. We will forever find ourselves before Him in service and adoration.
Between now and then, we can live like its true and be assured there is nothing to worry about. The One of the throne will have His way.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Sent from my BlackBerry
July 08, 2009
Intercession and the priesthood
Recently we have been studying the biblical picture of the priesthood, beginning in the Old Testament with Moses and Aaron and continuing right into Revelation 5 when all believers are refered to as "a kingdom and priests to serve our God". There is much to say on it but we are still in learning mode right now. But, God is giving us a fresh understanding as a house of prayer that is going to set us in our efforts and find us happily before Him as an "audience of One".
More to come...
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Sent from my BlackBerry
May 27, 2009
Important schedule change!!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Sent from my BlackBerry
May 16, 2009
More photos of ZHOP
May 15, 2009
ZHOP-Charlotte, Fort Mill SC
We love this house of prayer. It was great to finally get to visit and pray along with them. God bless Kirk and the gang at ZHOP!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
May 04, 2009
3rd Anniversary
Recently, I was recalling with some friends on how we began and what exactly we thought was coming for us. The mystery of God's leadership is such that you never know with confidence which direction he will take you, even when you think you know what would be best for all involved. But, so often He does something differently! He sees it from a different angle and He alone understands what we really need.
We began this house of prayer thinking (hoping, maybe) that we would grow quickly, rally piles of young people, find a huge facility and go night and day. The Lord, however, decided to build it in a different way, keeping the crowds small, the conditions difficult and the hours limited. Instead, he worked on who we were are as people of prayer, of holiness before Him, and used every situation to draw a huge YES out of us to all that He does.
Now that we are at the 3-year mark, it is clear to me...He is brilliant leader! All the external stuff will come eventually. I have no doubt of this. But, most of what has happened on the inside are things we didn't even know we needed.
For all that has happened and for the wonderful journey ahead, I have such gratefulness in my heart. Thank-you lead us so well!!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Sent from my BlackBerry
April 22, 2009
Most people have barely even read the book of Revelation, much less given themselves to serious study of the flow of the book. With that as our starting point, we decided to study it for two main reasons:
1. To learn the events related to the end of the age and the 2nd Coming of Jesus to the earth.
2. To learn more about the character and thinking of Jesus, as demonstrated in His activity at the end of the age.
Now, everyone automatically thinks of the first reason as the ONLY reason to read this book. In fact, it is was keeps most people from even bothering to begin. They look at the bizarre symbols, the troubling events and decide that it isn't all that necessary to know it right now anyway. I have lots of room for people thinking that way about it: I shared that position completely until only recently! But, I took on a challenge about a year ago to read the book of Revelation weekly (all 22 chapters each week) and to do this not just for end-times details but to grow in the knowledge of who Jesus is.
Honestly, I was interested in the end-times details more than most a year ago. But, I was even more interested in discovering new insights about Jesus. As I read the whole book every Monday morning I began to notice something interesting. The fog that surrounds the details began to lift as I became more familiar with the flow of the book. I noticed (and this is really obvious, I know) that the details didn't change from week to week...the more I read it and pondered it with the Holy Spirit's assistance, the more clear things became. I wasn't studying commentaries or reading books on it...I was just reading it.
On top of that, my understanding of who Jesus is and how He thinks and acts began to change as well. I began to see Him in His majesty, with zeal in His heart to bring this age to a conclusion with complete and perfect justice AND love for His people. It caused worship to well up again and again.
Since January, we have taught through the entire book (actually, we end the study this Sunday) and I have been amazed at how much it has caused my heart to awaken to both sides of this book. I am more aware of the details to be sure, and I am convinced that the way we live now will matter significantly in the troubling decades ahead of us (more on that another time). But, my heart has become alive with who He is and what He is willing to do to have this planet for Himself!
Consider taking this journey and begin to read it once a week. There is much there for you. This part of the bible is as alive, inspired and written for your benefit as any other part. Enjoy the journey!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Another great night
I arrived at 3:45am for a shift-change with those leading the meeting. I drove through the rough north-end in the dark to get there, amazed to see packs of what appeared to be 10-year-old kids wandering the streets like it was a Saturday afternoon. Nothing good is coming from packs of young kids wandering around in the middle of the night. I was troubled and felt heavy about it all. As I kept driving, I crossed the biggest street in our city, past the oldest department store in Western Canada and straight on toward the Legislative Assembly in the downtown of Winnipeg. Almost at our prayer room, I was now able to see the line of cars parked outside of the building. My spirit just lept at the realization that there was worship and prayer for this city happening right our prayer room...for those little kids and all the others who need a touch from the Lord. As I walked closer to the building, I could feel the presence of the Spirit, even out on the sidewalk. How exciting!
What followed was intense intercession, pure devotion and a focus on God that was worth losing sleep over.
Let's do this again and again!
Photos and video (maybe) to follow. And, the date for the next Nightwatch is being decided soon as well.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
April 12, 2009
Another Nightwatch
For those unsure if this is for them, consider the following reports as a positive review from those who were actually there:
There was a ton of joy in our House. It was very refreshing for me and greatly encouraged my heart. It was a great reminder why I love prayer, worship and why I want to give my life to night and day prayer. I was incredibly honored to be a part of the first Nightwatch....I hope the fact that there was a big YES on our hearts to praying at any time, even the least convenient times of the day, causes the heavens to burst open over Sanctuary and the hours to increase as fast as He knows we can handle it! Bring on the Nightwatch! --Kristi
This night represented a new beginning for our House of Prayer, and I, as well as many others, got the privilege firsthand to prepare the way for many others to take their rightful place on the wall in eager anticipation, watching and waiting. I would not have it any other way but to give the praise and honor that is due His name, even in the early hours of the morning, for He is worthy to receive all that we give. Let the incense arise, let the fragrance arise, for You, O God, are most deserving! Amen. --Joel
There were many more just like the ones above. The votes are in: the Nightwatch is a wonderful place to be! Pray for us as we step into this one more time.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
April 04, 2009
More details to follow...
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Sent from my BlackBerry
April 03, 2009
There is something special about the night hours. Bad things tend to happen under the cover of darkness, of course. But, the bible talks also of the Bridegroom (Jesus) coming for his bride in the midnight hour. And, in Psalm 134 we see that there is a special blessing for those who "stand by night in the House of the Lord". It is a time that requires extra focus, but also a time that allows for the busyness and "mental traffic" of the day to be more easily set aside in favour of encounter with Him.
Pray for us that God may bless our efforts. And pray that this is the beginning of night and day worship and intercession firmly established in our midst.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Sent from my BlackBerry
February 04, 2009
Goodbye Atlanta...hello Winnipeg!!
One theme that came up frequently centered on the importance of living a life that reflects the convictions and activities of the prayer movement. It was critical, they said, to think through how we handle our time, enegry and money, especially in this new season of economic uncertainty. It was not enough to sit in a prayer room and feel that this alone was sufficient. My entire life needs to reflect my beliefs. Action needs to follow faith! In other words, don't just sing about how God is your source and like its true and don't hang on to your money. Don't just pray for God to release the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Eph 1:17) and then not take the time to press in and find out more about Him. I loved it!
It is especially important in difficult times and we are entering quickly into a season of trouble, for sure. Who knows just how difficult this downturn on the economy could become? Who can say for sure what the solution to the troubles are? I am pretty sure the folks making decisions in the capital cities of the earth have no idea what will help in getting us out of all this. The answer, as always, is to turn to God in heaven and find His heart on the issue. If ever there was a time when we really need to stop and seek God for the decades ahead, it is now. It is wisdom in this hour to press into Him...and that will be proven true as the years unfold.
For Sanctuary, we are fasting all this week and asking God to make us ready for the troubles that lie ahead. We are asking for the bride in this city, the church in all its forms and styles, that she would be all that God has for her in the closing years of this age of history. We want to see the church become a strong voice to a confused generation and a community who exudes light and beauty to a world living in darkness and despair. We know this is the heart of Jesus for his bride so it is easy to pray it with faith: He is going to see this happen before his return to the earth.
Oh Lord, strengthen and empower the church in Winnipeg like no other time in its history. Cause her to be beautiful in the sight of all people. And give her eyes for only you as she longs for the return of the King and the fullness of the kingdom of God.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
January 25, 2009
I'm in Atlanta
The more time I spend here the more I realize that God is really doing something big. We have been challenged over and over this weekend to ensure our lives (and the lives of those in our communities) actually reflect all that we are praying for. It is great to believe that God answers the prayers of His people. But, we need to have lives of prayer that demonstrate that He REALLY does hear and answer our prayers! Believe it and put it into action. Have so much confidence in Him that we live and think in a new freedom.
This weekend I have heard amazing stories of answered prayer, healing and visitation. God is demonstrating His love and care for people over and over! Winnipeg can add our stories to an amazing list of things the Holy Spirit is weaving together in preparation for the return of the King to the earth.
Lots of details to follow. This morning, Allen Hood from IHOP in Kansas City is speaking. Later we have a Q&A session that will address all our submitted questions. Its going to be a good day!
Brian Creary
Ministry Director
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
January 13, 2009
We're back
Many thanks to our webmaster extraordinaire, Yvonne Parks. She designed this site and continues to maintain it even from her new home in Ottawa. She and Jason moved away from Winnipeg more than a year ago and are now doing all that they do for the kingdom in the capital city. They played a key role in helping to establish this house of prayer, being two of our very first worship leaders, as well as really pouring into the lives of the many young people in our midst who wanted to know more about this lifestyle we are embracing. We will always consider them a part of this family.
Thank-you Yvonne! Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Brian Creary
Ministry Director