May 25, 2006

Who Do You Say That I Am?

I recently listened to a man speak on Jesus. He really stirred me to fascination again, not for the religion that bears His name or for our own efforts at Sanctuary or any church expression. But, it is for Him! This man said the most interesting thing concerning Him: "don't even bother saying that Jesus was just a good teacher. You cannot take that mushy middle ground with Him. He is either the Son of God and truly divine, or he is a nut case". I love it!
As I thought more about, I realized he's right. There is too much about Jesus and all that He said that demands we decide who He really is. The same Jesus who taught us to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute us, which is brilliant teaching, was also the one said he would be killed and rise from death in triumph 3 days following. He said that anyone who would come after Him should take up their cross, eat His flesh and drink His blood and plan to lose their life for His sake and let their dead bury their own dead. And, He said that He would return to the earth with a host of angels in full view, the sky ripped open and His rule coming fully to the earth.
This is outrageous and, dare we say it...insane stuff....unless He is right.

And, I know He is. He is amazing. There is no one like Him in all of creation and He knows me. It's all true and will come to pass. He will return to the earth and stand once again in Jerusalem to rule from it as the King that He has always been. Those who have lost their lives for His sake will find them again. Taking up our crosses is the pathway to life. Nothing should distract us.

All His brilliant teaching should come into focus in light of this one thing: God has been on this earth! He was here, in human form and walked among us. Let the skeptic reduce Him to a "mushy-middle ground" teacher of truth and wisdom, if they must. But, remember this...He is so much more and wisdom will be justified.

Brian Creary
Ministry Director

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