January 17, 2007

More on Hour #1

This past Sunday, I sat in the prayer room while one of the teams led us through an hour on Ephesians 1:17-18. It was Hour #1 and I loved what I saw!

First of all, it needs to be said that our format is an unusual one if you are more used to a Sunday morning worship set experience. Instead of a leader and a band backing him or her up, we function with more of a team approach. There is a leader, of course, but there is much more reliance on each part of the team to accomplish the purpose of the meeting. For example, the worship leader will lead in a song, but it will be the singers who will carry the bulk of the spontaneous singing around the specific passage (in this case, the Ephesians passage). In addition, it is a prayer leader who will inject thoughts, prayers and ideas into the mix as the set goes along. The music never stops. The ideas keep coming. Many are creative. Some are prophetic. All of it is fascinating if you are new to this.

During last Sunday's set, I watched as our prayer leader launched his first statement into the flow. Cncerning the passage, he asked "what is the hope of our calling, God?" . It was this simple statement that set the whole hour in motion and it was so much fun to watch the singers look for phrases to sing along this line, digging for deeper understanding, praying under their breath for God to bring clarity and trying to sing something nice to listen to at the same time.

I love our singers! They are bold and confident. Most of them realized a long time ago that it matters less how you sound and matters more what God is seeing and hearing in the process. Is what you are doing coming from a place of integrity? Are you connecting with God? Are you listening to the Spirit and letting Him guide you to further revelation as you honour the scriptures? Our singers have it. They are singing because they believe it matters. Their hearts are increasingly softened by God and His truth. They are serving in their weakness and it all counts.

At some point during this Sunday set, the picture was getting clearer. It's hard to explain, but sometimes at this stage of a set, as the singers and prayer leader are responding to one another as well as to the passage in question, a singular idea will emerge that everyone knows is coming from God and is "greater than the sum of our parts". It's these lines that we will sing in unison over and over, letting anyone in the room join in and interact with God around the ideas themselves. Someone on the team (I'm not even sure who...which is the way it should work) came up with the phrase "you will give us robes and crowns and we will rule with you". And there it was! Eternity was coming into focus, in a new phrase and with a melody attached, but it was a view we know about but so easily forget. The answer to the original question was being answered in a way that was inspiring our hearts and resonating in our spirits. It was causing us to think about the brevity of our life here on this earth and what was waiting for us next. Sure, we could have all sat around a table and done a bible study with commentaries on the passage. And, that would have been just fine. But, there is something about receiving revelation in the midst of worship, prayer and community that stirs the soul. God was here and helping us...it was thrilling.

And this was just the first hour....:) There were 6 hours that followed. I have much more to write, I guess. Wait until you hear what the Spirit uncovered for us in our set devoted to the Song of Solomon!! Or, what came as they sang through passages related to the Second Coming of Jesus and the end of the world.

Join us if you are in the area.

Brian Creary
Ministry Director

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