February 05, 2007

So Cold!

It has been a little chilly of late here in Winnipeg. Last night the temperature (with the wind chill added in) hit -53C on our streets. When I headed out to our internship class at 8:30 this morning, it was -40C...fortunately there was no wind to speak of! Even in our prayer room yesterday, the heating system struggled to keep up and many people wore their coats as they paced around and tried to remain focused.
We are a city of extremes!

Having said that, we were there and given to what we do. As well, it was Super Bowl Sunday, something not quite as popular in Canada as the Grey Cup or the Stanley Cup playoffs, but still enough to keep people in their homes. I realized as we prayed and sang through the scriptures together that there is no place I would rather be. And, that was saying something. I love that we would gather together to express love and worship to God despite our comforts. I love that God loves it when we do it. I love that I am with a group of people who are just as eager to live this way. And, I know that this journey matters. Eternity is a breath away and He is waiting for me...He's waiting for you too!

Brian Creary

Ministry Director

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