December 05, 2007

We're fasting...again

We have begun a 7-day fast recently and I feel that this one, more than any other in recent memory, is going to be significant. God has been asking us to rise and stand with Him in contending for what He is going to do. This is an intense time but filled with promise.

Instead of sharing my thoughts, I have decided to let the thoughts of some in our community describe what is being felt at this time. What follows is a recent post by Joel, a worship leader with Sanctuary House of Prayer and all-round good guy :)

"So this morning, I was struck with a passage out of Nehemiah 1:5-11. He recognized the exalted position of God (1:5). Nehemiah was approaching the Lord who is the “Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God.” He recognized the humbled position of Man (1:6-7). Unlike arrogant men today who act as if they have the right to give orders to God, Nehemiah entered the presence of God with great humility. He confessed his own sins and the sins of his people. He did not, and could not, make demands. He was a man who was helpless and humble, who recognized the enormous distance between the perfect God and sinful men.

He based his petition in the absolute faithfulness of God (1:8-10). Nehemiah did not try to convince God to change, because God is already perfect and just. He fulfills his promises. The suffering of the people was not a failing of God, but the result of their own sin. This same faithfulness was the basis for Nehemiah’s hope. As surely as God had fulfilled promises to punish, he would fulfill his promises to rescue his chosen people. He asked in faith (1:11). Finally, Nehemiah made his request. He asked that God open a door for him to help his own people. He was preparing to ask the king to let him return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls. Nehemiah placed his confidence in the Lord who is powerful to bless the plans of those who truly dedicate themselves to him.

We need to pray with the same humility and faith that Nehemiah displayed. We must commit ourselves to a high standard of prayer. We have no right to make demands of God, but those who serve him obediently enjoy the privilege of humbly talking to the God of heaven in prayer."


Brian Creary
Ministry Director

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