November 23, 2008

Final Day

We finished of our Conference Prayer Room experience with another full day...12 hours of uninterrupted worship and prayer before the Lord. And again, you could really feel the presence of the Spirit resting in the room.

I am so proud of our community. They really rose to the challenge and gave to God first, even before giving to those in the conference who we were praying for. One of the leaders from the conference came to me at the end of the day and said "thanks for really carried us all weekend". Although I do agree with him to some degree, I responded with what was on my heart in the moment: "it was our pleasure to do it...besides, it was really good down there!!".

There is nothing like enjoyable prayer. We look forward to many more hours of it in the months and years ahead.


Brian Creary
Ministry Director

Sent from my BlackBerry

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