September 06, 2011

Fasting information

Its Day #2 of our 14-day fast and I was alerted to a good resource for us.  The IHOP website has some excellent information on fasting and how to enter in to this discipline in a safe and effective way.  It is worth reading!  In this two-week time of consecration and turning aside to listen, we want to see fasting as a way to align our will with the divine order of Heaven and to walk in step with the One we love. 

Here is an excellent point from the IHOP site:

"Breakthroughs often come after a fast, not during it. Do not listen to the lie that nothing is happening. It is our conviction that every fast done in faith will be rewarded"

We are pressing forward in our weakness with faith and confidence that God is ahead of us in this, and that even when we are hearing little and feeling a bit worn out He is definitely going to meet us in our efforts.  This is an exciting time for us and what He is doing through SHOP in our city. 

Blessings and grace to all of you!


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