April 12, 2009

Another Nightwatch

Our first experience in praying through the night went so well, we have decided to try it again. The next Nightwatch will begin at midnight on the morning of Saturday, April 18th and run until 6am. We are excited to see what God is doing as we step into these hours and focus our hearts on him.

For those unsure if this is for them, consider the following reports as a positive review from those who were actually there:

There was a ton of joy in our House. It was very refreshing for me and greatly encouraged my heart. It was a great reminder why I love prayer, worship and why I want to give my life to night and day prayer. I was incredibly honored to be a part of the first Nightwatch....I hope the fact that there was a big YES on our hearts to praying at any time, even the least convenient times of the day, causes the heavens to burst open over Sanctuary and the hours to increase as fast as He knows we can handle it! Bring on the Nightwatch! --Kristi

This night represented a new beginning for our House of Prayer, and I, as well as many others, got the privilege firsthand to prepare the way for many others to take their rightful place on the wall in eager anticipation, watching and waiting. I would not have it any other way but to give the praise and honor that is due His name, even in the early hours of the morning, for He is worthy to receive all that we give. Let the incense arise, let the fragrance arise, for You, O God, are most deserving! Amen. --Joel

There were many more just like the ones above. The votes are in: the Nightwatch is a wonderful place to be! Pray for us as we step into this one more time.


Brian Creary
Ministry Director

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